With a classy and innovative show, Forbidden Nights bring you a full theatre production including a custom stage, rigging and stage shower, creating an exciting array show stopping signature routines.
Spend an evening with Forbidden Nights and you will be caught up in a spectacle of desire, passion and excitement and feel the adrenaline course through your body. Feel the heat as acrobats, fire acts, aerial artists and world-renowned circus performers flip and spin across the stage leaving you begging for more.
Abandon your inhibitions at the door; this high-octane show is packed full of excitement, surprise and even a few uniforms thrown in for good measure. Forbidden Nights will really get your pulse racing because these talented boys have not only mastered the art of strip tease, but do it in a way that has never been done before.
It is safe to say Forbidden Nights faces have been seen across the world bringing in girls from all sides of the globe. You will only see the residency show in one place and we have one cast, and one cast only – no other show can guarantee this. Our exclusive line up along with breaking boundaries in new show concepts and performance is what sets us apart from any other show, do not just take our word for it, come and see the show and experience the atmosphere for yourself.
Forbidden Nights have teamed up with one of the best clubs in London to give you a whole night of entertainment and an after party every Saturday night – this really is the full package.
Expect to gain unforgettable memories at Forbidden Nights and remember – once is never enough!
Where it all began...
Watch Forbidden Nights perform one of the shocking auditions of the series, with millions of views on YouTube and a feature on the US NBC channels Today Show.